4 Ways to Observe Internet Self-Care Day

According to Google, self-care is “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness”. In our busy modern lives, it’s sometimes hard to keep this important practice in mind. Internet Self-Care Day is celebrated each year on August 21 as a way to remind us to use the internet for positive things that bring joy to our lives and make us feel good. There is a lot of negativity up in here, so we wanted to share some ideas for how you can take a bit of time out of your day today (and every day!) to promote health and happiness.



Meditation is a simple way to reduce stress and bring about inner peace. Some people think it’s a difficult practice that takes a long time to master, but that isn’t true! Anyone can practice meditation. It's easy, inexpensive, and doesn't require any special equipment. Better yet, you can practice meditation wherever you are!

Even a 1 minute long basic breathing meditation every morning can be super beneficial for your emotional and physical well-being. Some benefits include: reduced negative emotions, increased self-awareness, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and improved sleep. Try this quick and simple exercise in breath work by our friend Chrissy, of Wild Sea Wellness!


Like meditation, exercise sometimes intimidates people. Or some think they are too busy to exercise and instead they remain stagnant. Unfortunately, not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.

You don’t need to pay for a fancy personal trainer or take a lot of time out of your busy day to join and travel to a gym or yoga studio. Exercise is another easy cheap practice that you can fit into your day whenever and wherever you want! It can be as simple at going for a light 10 min walk around your neighborhood a few times a day. Or you can even fit in a quick yoga stretch or body weight workout at your desk or in your yard! Check out this simple DIY workout video series by Firefly Health for more ideas on how you can get physical!


Sure, it’s fun and satisfying to recline on the couch and binge 8 episodes of your favorite Netflix series, or sit in a dark movie theater with a giant bucket of popcorn to check out this summer’s biggest Blockbuster film. But sometimes, you just need a quiet cozy corner and a really good book.

A great way to escape for awhile from the day’s stress is to bury your nose in an engaging fantasy story, a mind-bending thriller, or a fascinating historic memoire. We, at Exupery, are proud to call ourselves bookworms and have compiled a list of our current favorite summer reads. So grab a shady spot by a tree, breath in the fresh air, and dive into one of these brain-stimulating reads!


Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? Skin acts as a barrier to our internal systems that are imperative to our health and well-being. For that reason, skin care not only keeps you looking youthful, but is important for your overall health and to possibly even prevent future skin issues and conditions.

Creating a daily skin care ritual with premium, natural, and responsibly sourced products is a great way to keep your skin clean, healthy, and hydrated. It’s also another nice way to practice mindfulness and provide yourself with a way to reset your brain and body every day (or twice a day!). We have done a lot of work for a stellar skin care brand called Innisfree that formulates and produces innovative and reasonably-priced skin care solutions for all skin types and concerns. Check out their eco-conscious product line for yourself!

Thanks for taking the time to read our musings on how important self-care is, today and every day! Keep an eye on this blog for more interesting seasonal content!

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